Excavation for Large Pile Footings - How to Remove Spoil Across A Bowling Green?

NZ Conveyors Collaborate with Shade Systems NZ 

We were asked to provide a solution for an Auckland shade sail construction project with limited access and some unusual requirements. 


Remuera Bowling Club in Auckland wanted to erect a large shade sail to create an all-weather bowling green. 

Shade Systems NZ had the perfect solution, as can be seen in the photos. 


The shade sail design required support by 20 large pile footings. The pile footings would require significant excavation and the spoil would need to be removed. . 


The space around the bowling green was tight. 

The contractor had an additional challenge. Moving the spoil out across the greens was an obvious option but there was to be no foot or machine access across the bowling greens to ensure no turf damage. 

Using wheelbarrows around the perimeter of the greens would have taken months of hard labour. 


We set up a series of PortaVeyor portable conveyors. We laid plywood and PVC across the greens and  rested the conveyors on the plywood to avoid damage to the greens. 

Spoil was transported using the conveyors, using the shortest route which was mostly across the greens. 


The entire job was completed within one week

Job completed ahead of schedule

No turf damage

Happy Contractor 

Happy Customer